‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR DECEMBER 6, 2019: Jon Jeter on Broken Democracy and the Broken News Media…Ajamu Baraka on NATO…An Anniversary and Evolution for the Environmental Justice Movement…And More


From the Trump impeachment hearings to NATO’s 70th anniversary, we speak to journalist Jon Jeter and activist Ajamu Baraka about the priorities and actions of elites that are destroying lives around the globe. And as the UN World Climate change conference is underway in Madrid, we hear from veterans who launched the environmental justice movement in the United States.

With Jon Jeter, Ajamu Baraka, Roxane Byrd mother of Jamaal Byrd, April Goggans, Peggy Shepard of WE ACT for Environmental Justice, Beverly Wright of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Former South Carolina State Rep. Harold Mitchel, Richard Moore and Michele Roberts of the Environmental Justice Health Alliance.

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Post photo of Jamaal Byrd with children. Byrd, 33, died in custody of DC’s Metropolitan Police Department on October 1, 2019. Nearly two months later, his mother said she had not been told how her son died.