‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR FEBRUARY 16, 2024: ‘The Occupation of the American Mind’ With Sut Jhally…Israel as the Victim… Plus Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-FEB16-2024-DIST-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 54:56 — 44.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastIf corporate media’s coverage of the genocide in Gaza leaves you with that upside down feeling, you re not alone. Throughout Israel’s brutal 76-year system of occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Palestine, it has always portrayed itself not […]