‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 12, 2024: The World On Edge, From Ukraine, to West Asia, to the Pacific…No Work Without Daycare Workers… Plus Headlines 

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-APRIL12-2024-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 56:17 — 45.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastThe ratcheting up of tensions by the U.S. and its allies keeps the world on edge, from Ukraine, to West Asia, to the Pacific. We speak to Gerald Horne. In Congress, Medea Benjamin and activists confront lawmakers and officials […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR APRIL 5, 2024: On Land Day, Palestinians Vow to Resist and Return… Gerald Horne on the Escalation Ladder in Israel and Ukraine… Plus Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-APRIL5-2024-DIST-SMALL.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:53 — 47.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastFor Palestinians, the 2024 celebration of Land Day took on special meaning as the Israeli government attempts a “final solution” of ethnic Gaza, and the military has destroyed or poisoned vast swaths of territory that has sustained the indigenous […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR MARCH 29, 2024: Israel’s Oct. 7 Rape Hoax Obscures Actual IOF Assaults of Palestinian Women, Men and Children… U.N. Rapporteur Report: Attack on Gaza Meets Threshold for Genocide… Plus Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-MAR29-2024-DIST-SMALL-PODACAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:41 — 47.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastWhile corporate media continue to spread false stories about mass rape of Israeli women by Hamas last October 7th, documented rapes of Palestinian women, men and children are ignored. We speak to investigative journalist Arun Gupta. And according to […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR MARCH 22, 2024: REBROADCAST of Keynote Address, ‘Israel Beyond Apartheid’ by Author and Activist Susan Abulhawa at the Israel and American Policy Conference in 2019 in Washington, DC

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-MARCH22-2024-REBROADCAST-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:51 — 47.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastFor this show, a rebroadcast of the keynote address, “Israel Beyond Apartheid,” by author and activist Susan Albulhawa, delivered at the Israel and American Policy Conference held March 22, 2019 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., sponsored […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR FEBRUARY 16, 2024: ‘The Occupation of the American Mind’ With Sut Jhally…Israel as the Victim… Plus Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-FEB16-2024-DIST-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 54:56 — 44.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastIf corporate media’s coverage of the genocide in Gaza leaves you with that upside down feeling, you re not alone. Throughout Israel’s brutal 76-year system of occupation, ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Palestine, it has always portrayed itself not […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JANUARY 26, 2024: World Court Stops Short of Ordering Ceasefire in Gaza But Genocide Case Against Israel Will Go Forward… Bigger Than Roe Women’s March in DC… Plus Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-JAN26-2024-DIST-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:50 — 47.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastIn its highly anticipated preliminary ruling, the International Court of Justice stops short of ordering a ceasefire in Gaza but will allow South Africa’s case of genocide against Israel to go forward. We discuss the latest with author and […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JANUARY 5, 2024: Escalation by Israel and U.S. Could Widen War… Family of Man Slain in 2020 by MD Cops Still Fights for Justice… Plus Headlines  

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-JAN5-2023-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 58:00 — 46.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastThe Biden administration may say it doesn’t want genocide in Gaza to explode into a regional war, but actions speak louder than words. And four years later, the family of a Maryland man shot to death in police custody, […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR DECEMBER 15, 2023: Zein El-Amine on Murdered Gaza Poet Refaat Alareer… Protesters Target Pentagon and Boeing… Headlines on Gaza, Unions, Massive Military Spending and More…

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-DEC15-2023-DIST-SMALL.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:06 — 40.6MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastThe murder of renowned Gaza-based writer and teacher Refaat Alareer galvanizes artists, activists and children to continue resistance to Israeli occupation, apartheid and genocide in Palestine. We speak to author and teacher Zein El-Amine. And at a March to […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR DECEMBER 8, 2023: How to Charge Israel With Genocide… Congress Equates Anti-Zionism With Anti-Semitism… Increasing U.S. Repression of Activists… Headlines… And More 

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-DEC8-2023-DIST-SMALLmp3.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:54 — 41.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastSeveral countries are rightly accusing Israel of genocide and war crimes for its siege, bombing and murder of Palestinians. But they are going to the International Criminal Court and that’s the WRONG COURT. We speak to journalist Sam Husseini. […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR DECEMBER 1, 2023: FULL INTERVIEW with Max Blumenthal: More Evidence that Israel Killed its Own on Oct. 7… Released Palestinian Prisoners Tell of Extreme Violence and Murder… Plus Gerald Horne on Kissinger… Headlines

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-DEC1-2023-FULL-MAX-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:10:44 — 48.6MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastSince October 7th, Israel has taken more Palestinians hostage than it has released in ongoing prisoner swaps. And those being released from Israel’s dungeons tell harrowing tales of extreme violence and murder. Plus, we continue to explore mounting evidence […]