‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR MARCH 19, 2021: U.S. Wars and Violence Against Asians… The F-Word: Roberto Lovato on U.S. Violence in Central and South America… The Poor People’s Campaign and More…

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-MAR19-2021-DIST-SMALL-PODCAST.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 56:05 — 38.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastFor peace activists on the frontlines, anti-Asian violence is inextricably linked to the history of U.S. imperialist wars. And for this month’s episode of the F-Word on fascism, author Roberto Lovato on the deadly legacy of U.S. colonialism in […]