‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR MAY 24, 2024: The Battle Between Censorship and Truth… The New McCarthyism… DC High School Activists Sue to Speak on Palestine… Plus Headlines  

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-MAY24-2024-DIST-SMALLmp3.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 54:45 — 43.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastToday’s information war in the United States is a battle between censorship and the right to tell the truth, particularly about Palestine and Apartheid Israel. For our monthly special on media and culture, we speak to journalist Jon Jeter. […]