‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR OCTOBER 2, 2020: Trump’s COVID, Debate and Appeal to the Far Right…Congressional Hearing on White Supremacists Working as Police…Bolivia Diaspora Fights for Fair Elections and Protection of the Indigenous

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/content.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/OTG-OCT2-2020-DIST-SMALL.mp3Podcast: Download (Duration: 54:55 — 37.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastThe dumpster fire known as the first presidential debate may still be burning in our minds but it is overshadowing a very important Congressional hearing held that same day, about white supremacists working as police officers. We speak to […]

‘ON THE GROUND’ SHOW FOR JUNE 7, 2019: Thom Hartmann on the U.S. and Guns…Lawmakers Question the FBI about White Supremacists…And Are Relations with China Turning Dangerous?

https://media.blubrry.com/on_the_ground_voices_of_res/onthegroundshow.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/OTG-JUNE7-2019-DIST-SMALL.mp3Podcast: Download (33.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | iHeartRadio | RSS | Subscribe to PodcastAt the second in a series of congressional hearings on white supremacist violence in the United States, lawmakers questioned this week the priorities and placement of resources by the FBI and other federal agencies. And as the United States faces the horror […]